Train station Ely, 16 May 2024

It's the Year of the Dragon and I'm on a train. Being born in another Dragon year, this feels like my year. Things are going well for me. So well that I sometimes feel embarrassed to tell others about it. Now the train is moving. Things aren't perfect – they never are – and I... Continue Reading →

New year

I'm reading a book about the past. Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov is about a man who opens a clinic of the past for patients with alzheimers, dementia and amnesia. First each room in the clinic represents a different decade of the twentieth century. This spreads to become whole floors, with different rooms for each... Continue Reading →

Thursday purpose

Frozen February sunrise, Cambridge, 2021 photo by Jessica Zarins I'm getting seriously sick of lockdown. And I really shouldn't have espresso with post-dinner profiteroles when it's not at a restaurant that I have to leave and can walk off before I try and sleep. After a few weeks of good sleep the old ghosts reappeared... Continue Reading →

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