Until death do us take

The autumn equinox has come and gone; the days are getting shorter. Halloween, All Saints' Day, and the Day of the Dead are over; the death of the year is upon us. Nature dies in order to be reborn. We acknowledge this as death is the only certainty in life. It's its only condition. Avoiding... Continue Reading →

Friday the Thirteenth

Today my mother came home from the war in the Holy Land. It is a very fortunate day. She has been in Palestine for seven weeks to accompany, observe and report on the everyday life and challenges of life on the West Bank. She was sent to bear witness on the reality of the residents... Continue Reading →

Cambridge for Ukraine

Today I went on a march for peace for and solidarity with Ukraine. It was organised by Ukrainian scholars and members of the public with the intention of raising awareness of the severity of the conflict, and collecting funds for the aid effort. It was a sunny day and felt great to be out. My... Continue Reading →

One month on

When I sent a link to this blog to some colleagues yesterday I realised I hadn't updated it for a month. In a way, it feels like it was yesterday; in another it feels like it was a lifetime ago. What a month it's been. Every entry in my journal since 24 February 2022 have... Continue Reading →

Wednesday 23 February 2022. Afternoon

Clicking Send, a new piece of writing I was asked to create for work is finally submitted. It was difficult to write, but I’m pleased with the final product. I managed to find a narrative between many different pieces of research, and hopefully it will be liked and published on the official website. It’s with... Continue Reading →

Tuesday 19 January 2022. Evening

I'm thinking of moving to the coast. It might be remote and isolated from everything and everyone I know, but maybe I'll meet someone. Make a friend. Even if it's just myself. Or the sea. But maybe it's not right, I'm not sure. Sweden is upping its defence presence on the island of Gotland, in... Continue Reading →

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